This is a special seminar sub-series of Kobe Studio Seminar for Studies. This sub-series aims to have discussions with a wide range of specialists, that is based on the original purpose of Kobe Studio Seminar.
In this sub-series, we put a high value on the opportunity for interdisciplinary discussions with a wide range of specialists, rather than academic importance. We (Kobe Studio Seminar) have tried several attempts. For example, as a trial to deepen the discussion, we have organized some special interests seminar series. In this sub-series, instead of deepening, we would like to seek the possibility of "discussion itself", with a wide range of topics including several trials and attempts.
In recent years, the rapidly growing field of topological data analysis, which uses ideas from topology to analyze the "shape" of data, has been applied to various scientific fields and yielded new insights. In this talk, I will give an introduction to its central ideas, its two main tools "persistent homology" and "Mapper", and give examples of applications.