
Typically CG Animation Workflow




All the images are contributed by Tohru Yamamori (Polygon Pictures, Corporate Officer, Technology).


These files are slides of the talk "Polygon Pictures and Digital Animation" of Kobe Studio Seminar on 2016/11/17.

Popular 3DCG animation:

A workflow typically used for 3D CG-based animation production.

Note: click the image to see it in the original size.

Popular "Japanese style" CG anime:

A workflow typically used for Japanese-style cel-look animation.

Note: click the image to see it in the original size.

Popular Cutout 2DCG animation:

A workflow typically used to create traditional frame-by-frame animation with 2D CG.

Note: click the image to see it in the original size.

What is "Cel-Look" CG Anime?:

This is a method of animation that uses 3DCG to imitate the look of 2D animation that has been created with cels (cel animation).
This is normally achieved by using contour line rendering and toon shading.
It is also common to use a method called "limited animation": rather than creating smooth movement by animating every frame per second, a look similar to traditional "Japanese anime" is achieved by reducing the number of frames animated per second.