
Plausible Shader Sample Images of RenderMan


All rights are reserved by Kobe Studio Seminar.

  • Copying or reproducing the images to any location for further reproduction or redistribution is prohibited.
  • Any commercial use is prohibited.

All the images are contributed by Studio Phones. Moreover, Pixar has contributed the RenderMan licenses to the Kobe Studio Seminar (see also detailed info.).


All the images are rendered by RenderMan with RenderMan's shaders for beginners in Kobe Studio Seminar for Studies with Renderman. They are just sample images but may be informative for beginners.

If you would like to use the images for educational purpose, please make a hyperlink to this page. Other ways are not allowed by the above license. Please note that each filename is based on the corresponding shader's name.

Basic Shaders:

If you have any question, please ask us in Kobe Studio Seminar.

Note: click the image to see it in the original size.

Sample Shaders:

This may be informative for your own studies.

Note: click the image to see it in the original size.

Futher Sample:

simple_plausibleMFacet.png with Area light.

Note: click the image to see it in the original size.

Further Information:

In the following page, there are several references (books, hyperlinks and so on) which are used in seminars of KSS for Studies with Renderman, but please note that we may have not yet reviewed them. The list is not periodically maintained hence please use them at your own risk.